I’m letting out all the stops in a commemorative poem celebrating
the birthday of Bill Knott, which I don’t know when that is, but this
poem is for him, and also Paul Muldoon, Jack Gilbert, and C.K. Williams,
not to mention Mark Strand, Bill Olson, Mary Ruefle, and Galway Kinnell.
But for Knott, the one poet I should single out for praise and
bestowed affection, above all others, BK included, is Norman Dubie.
He’s my all.
those other poets you mention are all superior in fame and merit to me,
indeed the only thing in my favor is the fact
that anyone wishing to read the work of those poets will first have to pay cash to buy their verse in dead tree editions,
whereas mine can be accessed and downloaded FREE
via a link at my blog:
plus of course they're all real poets with real publishers and I'm a vanity author forced to self-publish his work .. . .
it's not fair to compare a vanity poet like me to real published poets
like them
you must realize you're insulting those real poets when you put them on a list of names that
includes a vanity poet . . .
everyone of those poets will be offended if they read your post—
to save yourself embarrassment and regret you should remove my name from that list before any of those real poets sees it—
Bill, you are held in high esteem where I come from, VC MFA, an opinion I share. Note I publish even less ambitiously than you, but have a similar stance. I like your paintings. I used to paint but of late I do black and white drawing. Anyway, I appreciate your commenting, now I have your websites, which I will trawl now and again. By the way I know all those poets, except for Jack Gilbert, so I can write poems about them and invite them to do good. Fact is we're both as good as any of them.
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